"If you let yourself be truly seen, then you can be truly loved." — Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy (SARK)
"I just don't know if Ben is spiritual enough for me." I found myself saying to a fellow Spiritual Psychology student last weekend, regarding my partner of 8 years.
"Or maybe he doesn't go as deep in conversations or something. I just don't feel like I am completely heard or seen by him. I don't think we have much spiritual intimacy. Almost like we speak different languages about this stuff."
"Hmmm...", my wise counselor responded. "Do you think you have EVER felt this kind of spiritual intimacy with Ben?"
I closed my eyes, blinked back tears, and remembered the first summer we met. Exploration Summer Program, Boston, MA, 2002. I saw him from across the room at the Staff Orientation. Our first conversation felt like magic, the flow to our communication, so organic, even Divine. "Who was this angel in a (hot) male's body?", I wondered.
His blue eyes danced with spirit, his laugh, deep with connection to Source, and his very Being personified faith. It felt simple then, to surrender to his love, our love. We were so innocent. Spiritual intimacy was natural. The term "soul mates" even comes to mind. We were best friends in a breath, partners in a heart beat...in love with each other for life.
"Yes, yes," I said. "Absolutely, I have felt this kind of intimacy with Ben."
"Would you like to tell me more about what has happened since that first summer?" she asks.
Our Story flashes through my head, my heart, what has lead us to where we are now.
My own Irrational Beliefs around marriage and men come to the surface in a torrent of emotion. I hear them..."All marriages end in divorce. It is only a matter of time before someone is unfaithful. Husbands try to tie their wives down. I have to have four kids and cook like Martha Stewart to be loved. He says he supports my dreams, but I don't believe it."
Deep Breath. Are any of these really true for Us? No. Not at all. Although I don't think Ben would mind a pot roast dinner once in awhile. Hell, neither would I!
Deep Breath. Self Forgiveness: I forgive myself for buying into the misunderstanding that all marriages end in divorce. I forgive myself for assuming that because my parents got divorced a couple times, then so will I. I forgive myself for judging Ben as a chauvinistic tyrant. (couldn't be farther from the Truth)
I look up in my counselor's face and I see love, support, light. "This is helpful. I feel more open to my marriage. But what about this whole spiritual intimacy thing?"
I close my eyes again. And I hear him. Who? ECKHART TOLLE...I didn't even know I had this quote memorized, but I did.
"Outflow determines inflow. You can't receive what you don't GIVE. What you think the world is withholding from you, you already have."
The tears flowed outwardly with gusto this time. I pictured Ben's beautiful face and I realized the Truth. My irrational belief that Ben wasn't "spiritual enough" came from my own FEAR of intimacy. WHOAH!
My fear, that if I open up to him from my deepest Authentic Self, from my place of Divine Love inside, from the Loving, that he will leave, get scared, abandon me. Suddenly, I feel a strange mix of empowerment, AND deep annoyance. "You mean, this is up to me? I have to take action?"
And a new voice Within, "Yes, honey. This is up to you. You built the walls. Now you get to knock them down."
Deep Breath.
Deep Breath.
Deep Breath.
""If you let yourself be truly seen, then you can be truly loved."" — Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy (SARK)
On this Valentine's Day Weekend, I dedicate my Blog Post to you Ben. My lover, my teacher, my partner in life, and my very best friend. I vow to break down the walls, brick by brick, as I open up to you more and more. As I "let myself be truly seen". Forgive me for these irrational beliefs that I have held around you and marriage UP UNTIL NOW. I am releasing them. These do not serve me. I am open to a spiritual intimacy with you and I am enthusiastically and lovingly holding a safe space for you to open up to me as well. (if you so choose)
In closing...when Ben and I were engaged I shared a story with him about a woman who had been divorced once. When her boyfriend requested her hand in marriage, she said she really had to think about it. She was delving into an amazing career and was really focused on self-care, her son, and her own dreams. She asked for two weeks to go up to her family's cabin and deliberate.
After only one week, there was a knock on her cabin door. There was her boyfriend with a box in his hand. "I know I was supposed to let you be alone for two weeks, but I wanted to bring this to you." She opened up the box, and inside there was a rock and a feather. "I'm the rock, and you are the feather," he said, "Go pursue your dreams, your independent goals. I am here for you. I can be your home base." She decided to marry him...:)
I shared this story with Ben. I said, "Can't you relate? Don't you think I'm the feather, and you're the rock?"
He smiled at me, took my hand, and said, "You are my rock AND my feather."
So Ben, on this almost Valentines Day, I am truly surrendering to your unconditional love and letting go of the outcome. I am choosing Love. I am choosing Faith. I am choosing to believe that "this or something better for the highest good of all concerned."
And Ben, you are my rock AND my feather.
Cora, I don't even know what to say to this blog, except that the tears are literally streaming down my face... That was just so incredibly touching and beautiful. Ben is lucky to have such a courageous, loving Being, and so is the rest of the world.
Wow Cora!!! Incredible! Such an open, beautiful piece! WAY TO GO GIRL!!!! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!!! LOVE YOU BOTH!! :)
As I read this, my neighbor was blasting a song with these words: "Saved by the music, saved by our song." I had goose bumps as I read it.... your words were like the most authentic poetry to my eyes. Very powerful. Thank you for sharing your truth. I will probably read this several more times. I view this as a truly teaching story.
Wow, Cora. How absolutely beautiful and moving. Happy Valentines's Day to both of you. Much Love!!
Cora ... Authenticity is beautiful to read, your soulfulness touches each reader as we all move forward with you ... softly and gently living out LOUD.
Love to you,
Beautiful story -- beautiful lady. Bless you for sharing.
thank you Cora,for sharing with all of us your genuine heart felt love for your husband. Beautiful!
So SO beautiful Cora! Such brave and honest words:)
Cora: This is simply the most beautiful and courageous posting. I seem to hug a little of more of you to my own heart with each posting of yours that I read. You are an amazing woman, an amazing friend, and on an amazing journey. ~~hugs. Pattie
Your post is heartfelt and so beautiful. What a lovely tribute to the woman you are and the depth of your soul. Your understanding, your wisdom and your sensitivity shine through like the light of the mid-day sun. The story about the rock and the feather touched me deeply and I thank you for that. Breaking the "rules of our family of origin's story" is never easy. I applaud you for seeing that you don't need to replicate what your parents did. I can't wait for my wife to return home to share it with her tonight. The story bought tears to my eyes.
Thank you for your courage to post this. With love and light to you and Ben for a happy Valentine's Day and a forever love between you.
that was so beautiful, Cora! thank you for sharing with such honesty and loving. You are amazing!
“I am open to a spiritual intimacy with you and I am enthusiastically and lovingly holding a safe space for you to open up to me as well.”
- Cora Poage, my wise wife
To all of you USMers out there who may have heard of me, but never met me or spoke to me: thank you. Thank you for supporting my wife and helping her find her inner voice and authentic self. Because of the work you and she have put in over the past few months, Cora has become brave enough to open herself to accept my love, which is the devoted, unconditional, and, without being cliché, the forever kind. Her gift to me this Valentine’s Day—her courage—is the greatest gift I could ever hope or ask for.
To those of you who don’t know me—and to Cora, who does—I’m a fiercely private person. This can be viewed as a fault, a character flaw, and in the past, it was. I used to close myself off from interactions with others so that I wouldn’t be hurt, defeated, or embarrassed. I played small. It was about the time I met Cora that I learned that such fierce privacy wasn’t serving me. The spiritual legwork I logged in the fall of 2001 while studying abroad and in high school while on retreats helped me to create the “safe space” you mention; a place that was created for you, Cora, before I even met you. I knew you were out there though. I may not always know how to verbalize this space to you, but know that it’s there and it’s for you. My daily commitment and devotion to you is the most real and tangible way for me to express this to you, but I know that you need more (being vocal), and I’m working on that.
Also, to Cora who knows this, and to readers who may not, I am spiritual. I may not write a blog about it, preach on the corner, go to USM or divinity school, or even go to mass/service every weekend, but I believe in the Soul, my soul especially, and I try to inform it and follow it to the best of my ability every day. How I do this takes many shapes and forms, but know that it happens most simply when I find beauty, in all its forms, in this world and when I’m inspired. I suppose I’m lucky because I see beauty and inspiration everywhere—Union Square park, the playfulness of our two cats, a great hockey game, a random snow day, the diversity of people in New York, and of course in you, the most beautiful and inspiring person I have ever known.
Lastly, this is more for those who don’t know me because Cora has heard this already: I believe that God is Love. How this very simple teaching—which crosses every religious and spiritual divide known to humanity—got lost in dogma or creeds in the last few millennia is unfortunate. But live in love, in its many forms, and you will see, taste, hear, and experience God. Cora, as I live in love with you—from eight years ago to this moment—I get a small glimpse of who God is. My goal, today and for the rest of my life, is to share this belief and my spirituality with you, Cora. But know that sharing this will be a gradual process, as I don’t always know how to express in words what I may be feeling in my soul. When I listen to my gut—my soul—I hear two things, all the time: 1) I’m content and at peace with me; and 2) I love you. Beyond these two expressions of my soul, I’m still learning to listen. But know that with the safe space you have created for me, I will share what I hear and what I live.
Happy Valentines Day to the woman who has inspired me, challenged me, and loved me the best way she knows how. I will always be there for you.
OMG! Cora and Ben.... I love you both... Ben, I never met you... but wow! what a wonderful gift to not only cora, but myself as well. You both make me see that maybe there is a such thing as a "happily ever after"
Thank you both for this gift!
To Cora and Ben and all the fortunate few attending the USM-2011 class, this is Pattie McBride. I am posting from one of the blogs I set up, but have yet to contribute to!! Once again, after reading Ben's posting, I am moved to share my feeling of WoW!, of Upliftment, of Appreciation, and Determination that we all continue along this path of realizing the beauty of our soul's expansion with the grace that is so evident within this group. Love, Light and Blessings to All of My Friends within the USM Community. Oh! And, Happy Valentine's Day!
I love this post so much, Cora. I'm so glad you both found your rock and your feather, and I hope you continue to grow in love and faith together as the years go on :) Thank you both for sharing your wonderful journey!
Beautiful Cora (and Ben),
How eloquent, your post was. And how beautiful Ben's reply. I am beginning to come out of the wasteland that is my connection to men. I can relate to everything you shared, your hopes and the fears from the past. I love that you opened up about this and that Ben responded in kind. It's beautiful to me to know that this exists out there in the world.
In the past I would have felt some shades of resentment, jealousy or envy over someone else's happiness. Not in an evil way, but those things would be the containers for the lonely dark feelings I would have had seeing someone with something I so desperately want. I am very happy that now, as I think of this beautiful Friend of mine Cora, there isn't one single ounce of anything but happiness in my heart as you reconnect to this beautiful connection. With pure happiness and joy, I am happy for you.
I love you incredibly,
Good brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you as your information.
Cora...This is amazing! You are a beautiful and courageous woman. I applaud you for having the courage to go beyond your fear and connect with the beauty within. Thank you to you and Ben for sharing your truth!
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