The word "UNIQUE" has always been a bit loaded for me...I have heard this word spoken in conjunction with my personality, my outside appearance, my family, my decisions, etc. SO many times, that I have felt a bit "haunted" by this seemingly harmless word.
Last weekend, I attended a fabulous workshop for Beginners of the 12-Week Creativity Program called the Artist's Way. I am not an Artist's Way virgin. Two years ago, I had the incredible pleasure of taking this class with the author of the book, Julia Cameron. She swears like a sailor, tells it like it is, and has an AMAZING ability to assist her students in embracing their Creative Voice and Spirit...their authentic Self.
This specific class last week was taught by the beautiful Suzanne Boothby, a good friend of mine and incredible teacher. (highly recommend her classes!) One exercise particularly stood out for me. We each designed an affirmation that spoke to our creative, authentic Selves. This was mine:
"I am a fabulous and talented Performer."
We were instructed to write it five times in our notebooks. Then, we were supposed to jot down any of the comments we heard from our Inner Critic, the voice inside our head that tries to keep us from pursuing our dreams. Here were some of mine:
"I am a fabulous and talented Performer."
Critic: "No you're not. You are a Tutor."
hmmm...again. "I am a fabulous and talented Performer."
Critic: "Yes, you and all the other singer/actors/performers without work or money."
Critic: "Sorry, hun, but you are too UNIQUE looking to truly be a performer."
WHOAH! Tears welled up in my eyes. Where did THAT come from???
Flashback: Fourth grade, Hays, KS. (Very Volga German) In a class of blond hair beauties, I was the ONLY one with black hair. The kids nicknamed me Alien Eyes, because my eyes have always been "unique" looking. One VERY religious classmate wouldn't talk to me because she (and her ENTIRE family) thought I was a Witch.
Flashback: Middle School. No boyfriend EVER! Except, when the Popular Guys wanted to be funny and pretend to ask me out. I was a Ballet Dancer in Middle School and was ALWAYS cast as The Witch in all of the productions...because of my "unique" look. (Never the Princess)
Flashback: High-School. I spent much of my four years trying to look less "unique". Well, to BE less unique as well. By Senior Year, I had dyed my hair blonde...and wore more make up than Lady Gaga.
Flashback: College in Los Angeles. Set up on a Blind Date with the Captain of the University of Southern California's Water Polo Team. He took one look at me, pulled my friend into the next room (where I could hear the conversation PERFECTLY) and said, "She's NOT pretty enough." Awkward...and a bit heart breaking at the time.
Flashback: Starbucks, one week ago. The guy at the counter looks at me for a few seconds and then says, "What ARE you?? Your eyes, they are sooooo.....UNIQUE!!"
AAAAAH!!!!!! I've heard it all my life. And through this workshop, I recognized that these memories, that this interpretation of my outside appearance, has played a part in holding me back from pursuing my dream life, from taking actions steps to Live Out Loud in this world as a performer.
I wish I could say I am above all this. That other people's interpretation of me and my appearance has never mattered...but fellow blog readers, friends, family, God, you know otherwise.
This does not serve me...I am letting it go. (or trying to let it go)
I AM RECLAIMING THE WORD UNIQUE...I like it. I take it as a compliment...From this day forward...
so I am closing with a poem of sorts:
maybe I will change my name to this word
that has defined me for years
and held me back from my dreams
because Unique makes waves,
lives Out Loud
turns heads on the street
I may not be your Disney Princess
your blond haired
Abercrombie Doll
I AM ME...
My nose, pronounced, wide,
a nod to my Native American heritage
my Spiritual Center
My eyes, widespread,
turned upwards
like a sliver of the moon, shining
My lips, my mouth
one side slants higher
when I smile, mirroring the love within
My hair,
one third gray or silver
silver with life's lessons and learning
My nails,
rarely cut or cleaned
all different lengths, eclectic, creative
My body
the temple of my soul
my cherished skin, blemishes, wrinkles, warmth with Spirit
I am not your Barbie Doll
I am not your Poster Child
Maybe I AM a witch.
I could be from South America, Italy, KANSAS?
maybe I will change my name to this word
that has defined me for years
and held me back from my dreams