Monday, November 02, 2009

Cat Wings and Babicat's Soul

When I was a child, one of my favorite books was called Cat Wings. I don't remember much about it, but I do know that the main characters were felines who were born with wings. The main characters always felt "different" and put up with much teasing. However, their mother tried to remind them that they were beautiful, wonderful, just the way they were meant to be. This book has been on my mind quite often, these past few days.

On Thursday, Ben and I made the decision to put Babicat, our 15 year old shelter cat, to sleep. We were caught off guard with her Cancer diagnosis. We had witnessed her physical deteriation in the last week or so, but told ourselves it was the flu.

I would like to say that I was brave and strong for her in the Veterinarian's Office, that I held her as they gave gave her the lethal dose of whatever it is they give her. Instead, I was useless, and bawling, and trying so hard to escape from my own pain.

I DID have one hand on her beautiful body and one hand holding onto Ben's when she passed. Babicat was the brave one. She laid down on the examination table and looked up at me with this peaceful acceptance. Babicat purred all the way to the end...

With reflection, I do live in a place of utter gratitude for the time in my life that included Babicat. She was an amazing feline who truly connected with humans on a soul level. She ran to the door whenever one of us walked into the apartment, eager to give and receive love. (or Purina)

Babicat also taught me a lesson that probably saved my life. She taught me, the perpetual people-pleaser/doer/performer how to RELAX. I learned that it was perfectly fine to spend hours staring out the window, batting at pigeons. (The neighbors thought it slightly strange) To rest when needed, eat when hungry, and when LOVE appeared, to absolutely melt into it.

She showed me how to breathe in rhythm with my heart. Babicat told me, through her own behavior, that I AM ENOUGH. (even without the rushing, doing, achieving) Babicat helped give me a kind of peace I knew existed, but had not yet embraced.

And what else could I do when my darling Babicat needed my support more than ever? What else could I do to show gratitude to my friend, my teacher than give her the Peace that she needed. To give her body permission to let go.

Her Soul permission to fly?

So Cat Wings, the book, is on my mind right now. In my heart, whenever I remember Babicat, she definitely has wings, two beautiful, white, angelic wings. She paws at the pigeons, purrs when she loves, and tells me every day that I am enough.


Unknown said...

Hi, Cora - Beautiful, just like your heart. Love, dad

Jamie said...

I am so excited you have a blog! I am sorry about your cat. I never knew you write so beautifully. I will absolutely be a supportive and frequent reader.

You are a beautiful person!!


Unknown said...

Hi Cora,
I love your new blog. I am sorry about your cat. My best pet was a black and white cat named 'Imp'. He was my best friend and helped me thru a painful divorce. When I had to 'take him in' it was dreadful. I can soooo relate to your feelings. My husband (#2) actually went in with him; I could not. I will be a frequent reader.
Hugs, Elizabeth Hartmann

Michael S. Mulberry said...

Always thought you would be a great "human interest" journalist. Your two posts confirm those long-ago thoughts.

Unknown said...

Tears, Cora! So glad to know you. . . good work on your sexy soul. Sending lots of love. Hannah

Unknown said...

I have had to put two cats down and I sure was bawling both times. It is such a horrible choice to have to make and yet you know in your heart of hearts that there is no choice. Ugh, I feel your pain. Congratulations on your blogging!

Hovig said...

Hey Coco!!

Even though I have currently invaded your living room and am about 10 feet away from you in any given direction whilst in your apartment - anywhere, in your apartment - I still know how cool it is to read a comment when you blog. So, just wanted to say how awesome your blog is and how absolutely amazing your writing is to read. LOVIN' IT!

Aileen said...

Hi Cora! I teared, reading this...reminded me of when our beloved dog had to be put to sleep. Losing a pet is one of the hardest things in life, but there is always something to be learned from having a pet as well, beautiful story! miss you, can't wait for our coffee date!

Elizabeth said...

So incredibly beautiful. Thank you.

Casey the Wonder Dog said...

Cora, my wonderful miracle of a sister. I finally, after MONTHS, have been able to finish reading this post. How absolutely beautiful and eloquent it was. You gave Babicat the perfect tribute. And let me tell you, you were brave and strong for her! You gave her the final gift of kindness that she deserved. I am so proud of you and so grateful to have you as my sister. Love always!